Merced, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties have an abundance of talented individuals who tell the stories and express the culture of our communities through ART. We want to support our artists to create projects that are locally focused and spread awareness related to public health messages, civic engagement, social justice & community engagement, and water & energy conservation, climate mitigation, & emergency preparedness.
Upcoming Art Community Events
Photography Exhibition: Letters Home
11.07 - 12.16
8 AM - 8 PM Weekdays
East Campus Library & Learning Center
435 College Avenue Modesto, CA 95350
Thelma's project, 'Letters Home,' beautifully exemplifies the power of art to generate understanding, empathy, and respect for the immigrant and refugee experience in our community. Her own immigrant journey has inspired her to use photography as a medium to bridge cultures, weave stories, and celebrate the rich diversity that surrounds us.
'Letters Home' started as a heartfelt idea: letting immigrant and refugee students share their stories and achievements with loved ones in their native countries. Thelma's photography goes beyond images; it preserves the cultural ties that bind these courageous individuals to their roots.
Each photo tells a unique, compelling story, underscoring the rich tapestry of our community. Our hope is that through Thelma's incredible work, you will connect personally, appreciate the dreams, determination, courage, and cultural pride of these students.
Pride War Film
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Doors open at 6PM, film starts at 7PM
The State Theatre
1307 J Street Modesto, CA 95354
50 minute documentary film
As the National Straight Pride Coalition prepares to stage the nation’s first “Straight Pride Parade” in Modesto, California, they are met with opposition from counter protesters amidst fears of violence. Filmmakers the Runnels Brothers examine the limits of the First Amendment and the vague line between free speech and hate speech. With firebrand issues concerning women’s rights and LGTBQ rights brought to the forefront, Stanislaus County acts as a battle zone for a culture war with no end in sight.
Seminar: Truth in Vision
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Doors Open at 1:30PM, Event is from 2PM to 4PM
Artist Lab
1218 K Street Modesto, CA 95354
Before catching the viewing of the Pride War FIlm at 7PM, meet with the directors of the film.
Please join Greg and Mark Runnels as they share their knowledge on the basics and challenges of documentary filmmaking. The filmmaking brothers have over 25 years of experience in film, television, and theatre.
Meet with them as they completed Pride Wars, and are in production of a documentary on musician, writer, and poet Jim Carroll.